Well, for starters, I'd like to thank Joy, Gerald, and the many others who've spent a great deal of time putting this whole thing together and making it as fun as humanly possible. It's been very enjoyable and I've been able to try a good deal of different things that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. It probably hasn't greatly altered my learning habits, considering I've been into technology for most of my life, but it's given me a greater understanding of whats out there on the web. As for my favorite thing, I'd probably have to say it'd be a tie between Flickr and Youtube. I loved being able to flip through thousands of different pictures and videos of just about anything, seeing things I could have only imagined before. Definitely a good way to kill the boredom if need be. A site that surprised me, in a good way, was del.icio.us. I had absolutely no clue before trying it with Learn and Play the many different things that could be done with it.
As for the program as a whole, I can't really think of what could be done differently that could make it any more enjoyable or interactive than it was this time round. If the library chooses to offer a program similar to this one in the future, I would strongly consider participating in it. Once again, thanks to everyone who helped put this whole thing together. It's been great.
5 hours ago