Thursday, September 25, 2008

Times certainly have changed

I guess you could consider me to have at least a decent grasp of modern technology. It probably has a lot to do with being raised by a father who's a computer programmer and spent many days when I was younger talking to me about computers and showing off the computer stuff he had just bought. I still remember just how excited I was when we were first able to connect to the library's catalog using our 2400 baud dialup modem. Looking back on that, I sometimes can't believe I was so excited over technology that seems so archaic nowadays, but it just goes to show that in another decade or so, we'll probably be thinking the same thing about some of the technology we have now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Flickr Mashups

Well, I had a pretty good time going through some of the Flickr mashup and tool sites. It's amazing the kinds of things that can be done with just a bunch of various images grouped together. I especially liked the Flickr Color Pickr tool letting you find images on Flickr just by clicking on a particular color. I especially liked this image that was generated when I clicked the dark blue color on the palette. It's a chagall stained glass mural at the Chicago Art Institute.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Flickr Post

Prince Mononoke
Originally uploaded by aknacer
Well, after doing some surfing on and looking through a bunch of interesting images, I came across one that definitely stood out for me. The person who uploaded it also has an explanation as to how the image was created.

Here's the post with backround of this image:

Friday, September 12, 2008

Welcome To My Blog/ 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits

Well, I finally did it. I created my blog. I'm little late to the game I suppose, but I'm anxious to make up for lost time.

Alrighty, here I go. I'd say out of the 7 1/2 habits on the list, using techology to my advantage would probably be the easiest for me. I spent most of my childhood and adult life thus far surrounded by new types of techology and always have had at least somewhat of an interest in it. Probably some of my nerdiest moments have come when I've gotten a new gadget to play around with.

As for my hardest, I'd say it'd be viewing problems as challenges. It more often than not does provide me good motivation to learn how to solve certain problems I may encounter. Like most, however, sometimes frustration can get the best of me if the solution doesn't come relatively easy.

Ok then. Thanks for taking the time to read my first post. Adios.